Thursday, January 30, 2014

Sherlock And Another Wait of About 2 Years.......

  Hello People, So We all watched the Season 3 Finale Episode of Sherlock. So now we can go back to our lives and wait for the Season 4 but the wait is going to be long as usual. I just hope they will come up with Season 4 by next year as Sherlock is gaining Popularity with every Season. I am a true Sherlock Fan and have always followed the TV Series quiet closely.

I can say I am quiet impressed with Season 3 but i think they are now trying to adopt Indian Soaps Method of bringing Dead people back alive. I am not sure if Moriarty is back or It was Sherlock or Mycroft who planted that to bring Sherlock back to London but all i can say that if Moriarty is back they are going to come up with a very acceptable Theory of Moriarty Survival among us True Fans who always notice Sherlock Facts quiet closely. 

It All Started with this 7.30 Minutes Sherlock Mini Episode on Youtube! Thanks BBC for that

Let's Talk about Episode 1 First as it was the One about how Sherlocked Faked his own Death. There were many methods and speculations among us fans about how he did it. Not really making it up but I guessed it right about how Sherlock Faked it. This was a great one! I loved how he did it :)

In 2nd Episode : The Sign Of Three! It's the Wedding of John Watson with Mary :) I loved it as it was too funny :) And there was loads of suspence. Kudos to Sherlock. :)

In 3rd Episode. John Watson a.k.a Martin Freeman Proved why he is one of the best Watson ever. He was too good. He did great. And There we met a new Bad Man Called Charles Magnussen
But the 3rd Episode ended with a strange twist that showed that Moriarty was alive. This was really crazy move by the Producers of Sherlock. So Now All of us Sherlock Fans are yet for another 2 years wait :P Oh Well :)

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